Artifact: Requirements Management Plan
A Requirements Management Plan should be developed to specify the information and control mechanisms which will be collected and used for measuring, reporting, and controlling changes to the product requirements. The purpose of the Requirements Management Plan is to describe how the project will set up requirements documents, requirement types and their respective requirement attributes and traceability. Brief Outline
(hyperlinks into HTML template in a new window) 1. Introduction1.1 Purpose1.2 Scope1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations1.4 References1.5 Overview2. Requirement Artifacts and Requirement Types3. Requirement Attributes3.1 Attributes for <type of requirement>3.1.1 Status3.1.2 Benefit3.1.3 Effort3.1.4 Risk3.1.5 Stability3.1.6 Target Release3.1.7 Assigned To3.1.8 Reason4. Traceability Criteria4.1 Criteria for <type of requirement>Timing
Developed during inception. Updated at each major milestone. Responsibility
The Worker: System Analyst is responsible for creating the Requirements Management Plan. |
Rational Unified
Process |